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Living King Charles will abdicate the throne, according to Nostradamus, but perhaps not to William


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King Charles’ reign could end prematurely, according to a Brazilian psychic renowned for his uncannily precise prophecies of world events. This prognosis is in line with those of 16th-century seer Nostradamus.

King Charles may abdicate the throne, as predicted by Nostradamus himself, according to a paranormal mystic who claims to be able to foretell the future, but Prince William may not succeed him.

With numerous prophesies that he claims have come true, including the Covid-19 pandemic and the Queen’s passing, Athos Salomé is said to have taken the place of the French seer.

Before the King’s coronation, Athos told the Daily Star that the King should take “extra care” of his health. He also said that although the King is extremely different from his son Prince William, the two are “super connected.”

Athos, a Brazilian medium known as “The Living Nostradamus” for his astonishingly precise prophecies, identified special concerns for the future king.

“King Charles III must double the care with his health,” he stated. “Problems may arise in his genitals, anus (prostate), and urinary systems.”

If you want to rule in peace, it is preferable to take precautions now, he continued.

The Brazilian oracle also stated that King Charles should have been crowned in June rather than May and cautioned that he might be pushed into an early retirement due to a major sickness.

He declared, “The countdown starts right now.

If he holds onto power between 2024 and 2025, we’ll find out.

King Charles, according to Athos, would be a good choice for the position because he is educated, shrewd, and strategic.

“His low-key demeanor draws people to him because he can show off his own skills,” says the author.

His energy emits passion and a subdued intensity, and he is deeply committed to creating, possessing, and owning. As a result, he develops a magnetic presence and can also exercise some control when he is feeling strongly.

In 2006, Mario Reading, a British author who specializes in deciphering the mysterious prophecies of the French seer Nostradamus, published a new interpretation of the cryptic quatrains of the astronomer from the 16th century.

Reading asserts that one of the predictions predicts that the King will eventually abdicate in favor of his son, bringing an early end to his reign. But according to the Living Nostradamus, William may not always be the heir to the English throne.

According to Athos, the Prince of Wales also has the number two in his life, which is the same frequency as his father Charles III, according to kabbalist theory, with the exception that the Prince of Wales will revolutionize the monarchy when he becomes royalty.



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